SOAP Devotional 2014-02-27
Scripture – Observation – Application – Prayer
Show your faith…
You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless? (James 2:19, 20 NLT)
There are many who believe that there is only one God. Even the devil and his demons know this and it scares them just to think about it. That is not enough. True faith produces good deeds and anything less is useless.
When we see that demons tremble in terror when they think about our God we get a glimpse of how powerful our God is. They know he is real and it scares them because they know what their future will be when it comes to the end. How absurd it is when people just off the cuff say things like, “I believe in the man upstairs” and yet they live their life however they please and totally ignore his word. “We have an understanding” and “God knows that this is just the way I am” are not things that a true believer could ever say in defiance to living a Christian life. Where is the understanding of who hope really is and the judgment he has already promised will come. There is no fear at all. Scripture tells us that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Without him, I should be afraid of judgment enough to turn to him. Truly believing God is who he says he is, has done what he said he did, and will do what he said he will do will change us into who we should be and it will produce good works.!
Father, I have a healthy respect for who you are. You are indeed who you say you are, you did indeed give your son as a sacrifice for my sins and raised him from the dead. You saved me and changed me into a new creation enable to do the things you have called me to do. And you will come again. The dead and the living will stand before you for judgment. Those who have truly believed will live eternally with you and those who rejected you or merely spoke of a belief in you will be damned to an eternal hell. Help me to reach as many as I can so they will understand and follow after you and not just mock your name by saying they know you.