SOAP Devotional 2014-03-05

Scripture – Observation – Application – Prayer
If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. (James 3:13 NLT)
James goes back to talking about those who we should be allowed teach us. He is wise enough to retrain his own tongue as said above, but also has knowledge and understanding of God’s ways qualifying him to teach others. He is to prove it by living a holy life himself and doing good works without requiring recognition for doing them.
Most of these teachers do not demand that you think of them as teachers, but simply exhibit wisdom and knowledge back by a godly life style. They would be quick to point out that they are not perfect and may have even committed egregious sins in their past. But look at where they are now and the life they lead now with Christ. Notice how they are honorable upon keeping their word and how they operate with integrity. And then notice their ability to speak the right things at the right time. These we should pay attention to and not those who say one thing and then do another.
God help me to always be honorable in the way I conduct my life. Help me to have the wisdom needed to do the things that you have called me to do. Where I have failed you, forgive me, and help me to stay focused on the goals ahead. Help me to recognize those you have sent to be teachers to me and help me be the right kind of examples for those you have sent me to minister to.