SOAP Devotional 2015-01-27
Scripture – Observation – Application – Prayer
God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. (Matthew 5:6 NLT)
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. (Matthew 5:6 NASB)
Jesus used two of the most basic natural desires to express how important this must be in one's life. We all must have food and water to survive, so our desire must be as strong for justification/righteousness. Righteousness, as a title, is given to us at salvation, but this daily hunger and thirst is for that growth in living a just life or what we would call holiness or just plain living right. Holiness is to the soul of the believer as food and water is to the body. It is further observed that those who hunger and thirst will be satisfied. The way our hunger and thirst is satisfied is when we get what we were hungry and thirsty for. Jesus is saying to those who seek to live right, will be satisfied with actually living right.
As a believer, I should never be satisfied with saying, “Well, after all I am only human.” Instead of making excuses for our shortfalls in our attitudes, our words, or our actions, we should earnestly strongly desire to change into the kind of man or woman that Christ wants us to be. Our desire to live right should be as strong as our desire to be fed or to have water to drink. That keeps our body alive, but desiring to do right keeps our soul alive. We have a promise here for our Lord that if we desire to live right, we will actually be able to do it. In a manner of speaking, it is the food and water that I eat that keeps my body alive and not myself. In a spiritual sense, it is the spirit that keeps me alive when I desire to do right. He enables me to do what I desire. One of my minister friends is always quoting a television commercial that has nothing to do with living righteous in the commercial, but if done right it is applicable here. “Stay thirsty my friend.”
Father, help me to never be satisfied with the things that need to change in my life as a believer. Help me to always hunger and thirst for your righteousness to be lived out in my life.