SOAP Devotional 2015-05-05

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SOAP Devotional 2015-05-05

Scripture – Observation – Application – Prayer


“So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God. (‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭23-24‬ NLT)


Jesus had just taught about anger, cursing others, etc. was as sinful as murder and then he says because of that do this. Interesting to notice here, that he does not say “if you have something against another”, but rather if “someone has something against you”. You may not be angry at all about the situation, but you may have someone angry at you because they have a just cause against you because of what you have done. We were told earlier to forgive others when we pray who have done us wrong and now we are told to seek forgiveness of others we have done wrong before we worship. It is more important to have our hearts right than to perform the outward acts.


We can never just have the attitude of “they will get over it” when we have done others wrong. They may not be completely innocent in the matter, but we are to take the time to be reconciled if possible. At the least, we can confess our wrong in the matter and apologize and make restitution if needed. We do this whether or not they do what is right or not. Then we can worship with a clear conscience and hopefully so can they.


Father, may I not be the cause of others to have anger towards me. When this does happen, remind me quickly so that I may do all that I can to make it right. And help me to be the kind of man that is not to proud to admit the error of my ways and to ask for forgiveness.

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